Thanksgiving Conversation Starter Kit: Planning for the Future with Loved Ones

Thanksgiving is a time to come together with loved ones and celebrate the things in life we’re grateful for. Talking about the future may feel daunting around the holidays, but when done correctly, Thanksgiving can be the perfect opportunity to talk about ways to protect and support each other through life’s ups and downs. There are lots of pieces to the puzzle when it comes to talking about the future – everything from hopes, dreams, fears and actual logistics.


Discussing logistics – like life insurance, wills, and financial security – can feel overwhelming but we’ve put together a conversation starter kit to help guide you and your family.

1. Start with Gratitude: Set a Positive Tone

It’s important to set a warm and inviting atmosphere for the conversation. You can start by suggesting each person go around the room and share one thing they’re grateful for.


2. Share Stories of Family Values and Traditions

Thanksgiving is a time to lean into family traditions. Whether you’re starting your own traditions this year, or following traditions passed down by generations of family members before you – Thanksgiving can be the perfect time to talk about the importance of leaving a legacy. Start by asking everyone to share their favorite memory or family tradition. Whether it’s a recipe, a game you play every year around the holidays, a treasured family heirloom or a meaningful photo, these conversations can help lead into a discussion about wills and inheritance in a natural and sincere way.


Example: “I was thinking about how we volunteer every year around Thanksgiving. It’s such a special tradition, and it got me thinking about other things we’d like to pass down through generations. Have any of you thought about the legacy you want to leave for the family?”

3. Address any Fears about the Future

Thinking about the unknown can feel scary and uncomfortable. No one wants to focus on the “what-ifs” in life, but it’s important to know that there is a plan in place no matter what the future holds. You can start off by asking if anyone has any particular fears or uncertainties about the future i.e. perhaps one family member just started their own family and is worried about who would take care of the baby if something were to happen to them.


This is a good way to steer the direction of the conversation in a way that supports your family and their unique needs. Once everyone has voiced their concerns, you can introduce the idea of creating a safety net by investing in life insurance and creating a Last Will and Testament.

4. Invite Questions and Input

Planning for the future isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Use this time together to ask if anyone has questions or input, that way you can discuss as a family and address any concerns in the moment. You can say things like… “does anyone have any questions about what would happen if something were to happen to me or your father?” or “does anyone have any input on the type of charitable donation we’d like to include in our will to leave a lasting legacy in our community?”

5. Next Steps

Thanksgiving dinner may not be the best time to take any real action steps, but it’s important to follow up on the important conversations you’ve had with your family. The first step we recommend when planning for the future is talking to a licensed professional who can help guide you through any questions you may have and your family’s unique needs in terms of the future. We recommend using this Last Will and Testament Kit and speaking to a licensed life insurance representative in your area. If you’re interesting in starting that process now, click here.

And lastly, it’s important to check in with your family from time to time and reassess your needs and wants as your life evolves. Things like marriage, divorce, an addition to the family, the purchase of an estate or any other life changes can effect the way you might set up your life insurance or last will and testament. Planning for the future is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family. So, gather around and start the conversation—after all, there’s no better time than now to protect what matters most.